December 22, 2015

My Holiday Time Story.

I grew up in a loving family, we always celebrated holidays together. Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve hugs were shared with a wishing well; even if we tried, we were never alone. In December of 1999 I left my home to move to the US. That year was the big 2000 year; celebrations, predictions, and others were the stories of the day. Mine, I was saying good bye to the only people who cared about me.

I started living at a small studio; at my new job I got scheduled to work night shifts, mainly the night of the 24th and the 31st because I didn’t have family to be with, neither friendships. My December got very blue, making me want to forget about Christmas, or any other holiday. I have never felt loneliness before until that day.

One day before work I decided to go for a little walk to a nearby store; trough the isles, Christmas decorations, smiling shoppers with family and friends. I thought I made a mistake about the walk; on my way out I noticed a small plush animal looking at me, it was a frog holding up a star. It looked like it was smiling at me; this made me smile warming up my heart. I knew then, that I can have my own Christmas time, and to know wherever I am, I am loved, as well I love them.

I am sharing my story because when all seems lost, there is something to remember and smile. I hope you can smile again, knowing we were/are loved, smile for the ones who are far or no longer with us.

By the way, the frog found a new home.

April 10, 2015

The Night Before

Cloudy sky upon us, the starts are not as bright, they are making their way through the fog of the night. Uncomfortable silence, there is no words to say, or anything to add. Eye lids are turning heavy on me, closing my eyes, getting me ready for an uncertain night of sleep.

Sailing into the world of thoughts, an ocean of memories brings me weird thoughts, how about us is the voice of the question, desolation is reaching into my soul, I know it is just a feeling of the moment, but it is a feeling that questions home won’t be no more, feelings of sadness covers my heart, painting a picture of strength, once again far from home.

A battle inside my mind presents, it’s holding my heart by the hand, hiding it and protecting it, not letting any of those ghosts to approach, it just rushes quickly to arrive into the land of sleep to wait until this moment stay in the pass. My subcontinent stays on alert, in guard taking care of the ship anchored in the land of the living. Desolation still it feels, as the clock tics, second by second, how long does it feels.

Deep in my sleep, darkness I see, a shadow behind walls is waiting, and waiting. I wonder, is it a mirage?, or this is real. I cover myself, and turn my head away, trying to sink into myself. A sudden noise shakes me awake, A vision of color, sun and dancing I get to see, this is weird, I tell myself, this is not real, my eye lids close for me, letting me get lost in my sleep. Another shake I feel again, I turn my head, trough the night light coming from the window, a shadow I perceive, slowly approaching and reaching after me. Feeling cautious I feel; in a foreign language, he speaks at me. With open arms and hands grabs me close to him. He is happy and smiling, he is happy to be with me. Happy I certainly feel, comfortable to be there with him. I hug him, I kiss him, I wrap myself around him. I feel happy you are here with me. He tells me a story where moments ago he finished reading, for what I hear this is exactly like the vision moments ago I got to see. A happy moment, a warm heart from each other, is the beautiful feeling of the moment. A sudden spark clicks, my mind tells me, this is not for real, come back to safety. My heart wishes this to be real; it is just a projection of the land where everyone sleeps.

I come back to my desolation, wishing something of that mirage comes with me, a couple more times this beautiful mirage repeats, I keep falling for it. Moments of happiness I feel, but soon I get to bring back next to my guardian, where I find myself asleep.

Once more I felt shaken, my heart happy it feels, It thinks here is that beautiful moment, It wishes to be real. My mind tells me time to come back, it’s time for things to become real. I am awake now, shadows trough a foggy morning I see around the room. I turn my head to find and see the one who brings me happiness. He is in deep sleep.

Something tells me, it is not a fairy tale of my dream, I wake up to reality, feeling the unknown of a day, I feel a tear running inside of me, wishing hugs, kisses, smiles and stories to be there, just like in my dream; as a shinny day to be. I move out of bed, to start once again, a day.

I Love You.